Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy your cat, err, turkey. All people are good, so treat all people good. Save me some candied yams!
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Monday, November 25, 2013
Bacon Soda
Bacon soda? Yes, to celebrate Thanksgiving this year at Review the World we decided to tempt or torture our taste buds marrying two of America's favorites together: bacon and soda. Will the gristly, greasy, taste of bacon transfer palatably to liquid form? I'll give you one guess. Enjoy!
Friday, November 22, 2013
B&T Show #27: Pearson's Bun Bars & Cincinnati Reds Taffy
Your boy Brian and his odd traveling compatriot Tim take a look at several varieties of Pearson's Bun Bars then sample some Cincinnati Reds Taffy inside the ballpark!
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Flav-or-Ice Squeeze Candy & Mutant Muffin
This duo video is a tag team of tantalizing footage for your optical devices. Up first the guys try a marshmallow squeeze candy based upon popular popsicle brand Flav-or-Ice. Will this gooey grape gunk be any good? Then to round us out Brian shows off and samples a rather interesting find: a neon green mutant muffin! Is something that offensively colorful really edible? Will he turn into a hybrid mutant crossed with the last animal he came into contact with?
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Emperor Zurg toy & Slush Puppie Dip-n-Lik Candy
Next to a moldy house Brian reviews an Emperor Zurg toy from Walt Disney. The antagonist of the Toy Story series doesn't get enough recognition and we discuss the character and its action figure counterpart. Next up Nick is on location among the graves as Slush Puppie makes its triumphant return to RtW this time in sucker form as a Dip-n-Lik candy concoction! Obscure toys, things getting sucked on in a cemetery, this one has it all!
Friday, November 8, 2013
B&T Show #26: Sin Energy Drinks & Jelly Belly Chocolate Dips
This time Brian and Tim sample some putrid Sin Energy Drinks in-front of a dilapidated grocery store then try Jelly Belly Chocolate Dips curbside in a swank neighborhood. Enjoy!
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Goya Malt Beverage & Tamarind Soda
This time the guys sample two unique international drinks including Tamarind flavored soda and Goya Malt beverage. Are these oddities going to win us over or leave us scarred for life? Will Eddie spit or swallow? On Parkamo Ave. the guys dabble in livid libation.