Thursday, March 28, 2013

Update! What's Happening 3/28

Hey!  Quick update here.  I've finally got 100% of the old RtW moved here to the new blog.  If you're adding up articles and videos combined we're talking something like 400 items of unique content!  Everything from a visit to Old Time Pottery, Pizza Face Pat, Batman Spaghettio'sfreestyle walking and so much more!  Very cool and a big relief.  Now I can focus on moving forward and it feels like the rest of 2013 is going to be awesome!

New video going up Saturday!  I coerced a college buddy who visited to eat some cheap candy with me so keep an eye out for that this weekend!

Don't forget if you haven't done so already "like" the brand new RtW Facebook page!  A great way to stay informed and interact with me and other fans.

I've got a handful of new articles and videos (including teaming up with two cool dudes, one running a website named after grotesque vegetables and the other a vampiric T. rex) lined up for April and am constantly juggling schedules to collaborate with friends locally to keep busy and continue shooting more stuff so I'll (hopefully) always have a nice backlog of new HD video ready to unleash onto all of your eyes.  Safety goggles not included.

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