Saturday, June 4, 2005

Hulk – David Banner toy

I’ve got to say that The Incredible Hulk is my all-time favorite comic book character.  Thus, when the film Hulk came out, I got up early that morning, drove by myself to catch the earliest matinee showing.  I was in a relatively empty auditorium, with a couple families and random moviegoers.  I had chills watching my beloved childhood favorite come to life.  A lot of people really don’t like that film, and many point to the character of David Banner to take issue with.  I thought he was eccentric and great, and when he mutated into an evolving abomination of mass and texture I was giddy.  Toys based off of the movie sadly didn’t strike a chord with me… except this one.

This toy comes with interchangeable arms and legs, and you can see both variations above.  It’s a really cool concept, although not entirely unflawed.  The toy looks cool, but changing the limbs wasn’t a pleasant process.  You’ve really got to apply a lot of force to maneuver the pieces properly, and the toy’s rough exterior surface isn’t favorable on hands.

This is the first and most assuredly the last time an action figure is released with Nick Nolte’s facial resemblance.  That in its own right warrants purchasing it.  I believe it’ll be remembered as one of the more bizarre movie tie-in toys.

Overall Grade: B+ 

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